The Egyptian Olympic delegation is reported to be provided with Nike equipments for free. For Nike’s generosity, the Egyptian delegation feels quite thankful. Nevertheless, about the latest rumor that…
The Egyptian Olympic delegation is reported to be provided with Nike equipments for free. For Nike’s generosity, the Egyptian delegation feels quite thankful. Nevertheless, about the latest rumor that the Egyptian Olympic delegation was intentional to get Nike’s free equipments by “Speculation” means will be invested by the committee set up by the Egyptian Sports Federation with Egypt’s chief prosecutor.
After two days of waiting, the Egyptian Olympic delegation finally make sure that they won’t wear the fake equipments to participate in London Olympics. And after the Egyptian Olympic Committee president stressed that it was due to economic problems that they chose the cheap products, Nike Sports immediately decided to provide the real Nike equipments for the Egyptian Olympic delegation at a free price.
Nike’s official statement said: “We are pleased to make this decision! Especially for the athletes who should use the real Nike products while enjoying the great sports event.” “You should know that after about 17 months’ domestic political turmoil, the Egyptian delegation itself is unable to undertake the equipment costs up to 300-500, but this problem was perfectly solved by Nike company’s generosity.
“This is a big surprise for us.” As the head of the delegation of Egypt, the Egyptian army major Achmed Welfare said in an interview. “I want to send my heartiest thanks for Nike Company.” “When we promised to re-undertake the costs of these Nike equipments, they generously refused and still decided to provide free sponsor to us.”
It’s reported that Nike had sent a document to the Egyptian delegation before which includes the price of the suits, every athletes needed to spent 215 dollars to obtain a set of sportswear, a T-shirt, a pair of socks, shoes and sandals. But the Chinese dealers only tagged $90 for the equal items, so the Egyptian Olympic teams chose the cheap copycat goods in the end, which has caused many players’ discontent.
Currently, the Egyptian Sports Federation has specially set up a committee to collaborative Egypt’s chief prosecutor to carry out the relevant investigation to determine the ultimate responsibility of the accident on the counterfeit equipments provided for the delegation. But about the question that whether Egypt was intentional to hype in order to get the free equipmentsScience Articles, Achmed Welfare firmly denied.